Investigación y Biblioteca

Biblioteca de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Lectura recomendada: Open Digital Science: Final Study Report

por | 10 de agosto, 2016

Publicado el Informe final sobre Open Digital Science:

Open Digital Science (ODS) or, more commonly, Open Science, describes new and open practices in science, research and innovation that make extensive use of digital technologies.


The main task of this study was to explore the extent to which new scientific practices based on digital technologies are emerging, what they consist of, and how they are changing the relation of science and society.


The three formal objectives of the study are
– Validation and fine-tuning of the open digital science vision
– Developing metrics of open science uptake and impact
– Describing best-practices in new emerging scientific practices»

Más información en: European Commission / Open Digital Science – Final study report

Fuente: Servicio de investigación de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

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