Investigación y Biblioteca

Biblioteca de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Índice H de las Revistas Científicas Españolas según Google Scholar Metrics (2012-2016)

por | 10 de enero, 2018

Lectura recomendada:

Delgado López-Cózar, Emilio & Martin-Martin, Alberto & Orduna-Malea, Enrique. (2017). ͍ndice H de las Revistas Científicas Españolas según Google Scholar Metrics (2012-2016). DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.29279.56484.

Rankings are presented by scientific fields and disciplines of Spanish scientific journals listed in Google Scholar Metrics (GSM). They are sorted according to the h-index. It pretends with this work to test the breadth of coverage that has Google Scholar Metrics of Spanish scientific journals. The two criteria used by Google Scholar Metrics to include journals in its product are: have 100 work published and own at least one cite. Bibliographic searches were conducted between 18 and 21 July 2016. 722 journals have been identified, of which 323 are social sciences, 201 Arts and Humanities, 134 of Health Sciences, 64 of the Natural Sciences and Engineering. They make a total of 599 unique journals (the same journal could be classified in one or more areas).

Fuente: Research Gate




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