Investigación y Biblioteca

Biblioteca de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Focus on Open Science – vídeos de ponencias disponibles

por | 18 de septiembre, 2019

Open Science by Design:

Practical Commitments for Implementation by (Young) Universities

New Indicators — FAIR Data — Citizen Science

Si no pudiste asistir al Seminario de pasado 8/07/2019 (Madrid, UC3M, Puerta de Toledo), ahora puedes ver los vídeos de las presentaciones.

The Madrid workshop will put in correlation 3 of the 8 challenges of EU Open Science: New indicators and reward systemFAIR Data – and Citizen Science. We will analyse and discuss these important topics with the aim of getting PCIs (Practical Commitments for Implementations) of Open Science, particularly for Universities and Research Performing Organisations.

Welcome notes

– Prof. Dr. Juan José Vaquero. Vice-President of Scientific Policy. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

– Cecilia Cabello. Director of Open and International Science. FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology)

– Dr. Eva Méndez. Chair of the OSPP. Deputy vicepresident for Research Policy. Open Science. UC3M

– Dr . Tiberius Ignat. Director of Scientific Knowledge Services

Dr. Paul Ayris, Pro-Vice-Provost University College London, UK: Leading the change to Open Science in European Universities

Dr. Rebecca Lawrence, F1000: Shifting the research assessment system to enable the adoption of open knowledge practices

Dr. Daniel Hook, Digital Science: The Ascent of Open Access

Ghislain Onestas, Ex Libris: Putting the library at the heart of research

Prof. Dr. Barend Mons, Director for the Dutch International Support and Coordination Office GO FAIR and President of CODATA: The Internet for Social Machines

Prof. Dr. Muki Haklay, Professor of Geographic Information Science at  Department of Geography, University College London (UCL): Citizen Science in Open Science context: measuring and understanding impacts of deeper public participation in science

Panel discussion: Open Science challenges’ alignment: Next Generation Metrics/Indicators– FAIR Data – Citizen Science : Paul Ayris, UCL; Rebeca Lawrance, F1000; Barend Mons, CODATA/GO FAIR; Muki Haklay, UCL; Daniel Hook, Digital Science; Ghislain Onestas, Ex Libris; Chair: Eva Mendez. UC3M/YERUN

Closing Notes: Practical Commitments for Implementation of Open Science in Universities (Indicators-FAIRData-Citizen Science) : Silvia Gómez Recio. YERUN

Más información en la web del evento: Focus on Open Science

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