Investigación y Biblioteca

Biblioteca de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Guidelines for foreign researchers in Spain 2017

por | 11 de abril, 2018

FECYT acaba de publicar Guidelines for foreign researchers in Spain 2017 = Guía para la movilidad de personal investigador extranjero en España.

The guide compiles the main issues that a foreign researcher needs to tackle when coming to work in Spain and it targets both researchers themselves and their hosting institutions. The main topics of the guidelines are the characteristics of the Spanish R&D&I system and the researcher career in the country, the recognition of foreign qualifications for academia and professional purposes, the labor market, the tax and the social security systems, the entry and residency requirements, the health and education systems and the EURAXESS Spain network that gives support to mobile researchers.

This reference document in the management of the mobility of foreign researcher in Spain has invaluable contributions from the Tax Agency, the Institute for Women and Equal Opportunities, the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the Ministry for Employment and Social Security, the Ministry of foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Spanish Patents and Trademarks Office.»

La Universidad Carlos III de Madrid forma parte de la red EURAXESS Spain y desde 2017 ostenta el sello de excelencia HR Excellence in Research


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