Investigación y Biblioteca

Biblioteca de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


YERUN Open Science Awards 2022 is now open!

por | 23 de noviembre, 2022

Conditions: be a researcher or a staff member from a YERUN partner university and you or your team have initiated an activity on Open Science at your institution

Target: initiatives that support the scholarly community to adopt and implement Open Science principles in their work, and that are implemented by researchers and by administrative staff or professional services (in teams of individually).

Dates: from 21 November 2022 to 21 December 2022 at 23:59 CET. Winners will be informed in February 2023.

Award: Winners will bring in a monetary award to their institution/department (2,000€ for each award), which will be used to further advance the existing initiative or implement a new initiative on Open Science.

Detailed information

La red YERUN está constituida por las siguientes universidades: Bremen, Konstanz y Ulm (Alemania); Antwerpen (Bélgica); Southern Denmark (Dinamarca); Autónoma de Barcelona, Autónoma de Madrid, Carlos III de Madrid y Pompeu Fabra (España); Eastern Finland (Finlandia); Paris Dauphine (Francia); Dublin City University (Irlanda); Universidad de Roma Tor Vergata (Italia); Maastricht (Países Bajos); Nueva de Lisboa (Portugal); Brunel y Essex (Reino Unido); Linköping (Suecia).


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